
Opening Closed Doors

Domestic abuse is when a partner, or someone else in the family, hurts a person or makes them scared.
It can be very upsetting to think that someone is hurting a person you care about. The first thing you may want to do is to protect that person. But this could be dangerous. This leaflet tells you about ways you can do it safely. 
We know that more women than men suffer domestic abuse.  But it does happen to men too. 
If you see someone being hurt call the police on 999. 
The leaflet Opening Closed doors tells you more about domestic abuse and how you can help someone safely.
If someone is in immediate danger, call 999
For local Support, please call DASS 0300 373 1073 (9-5 Monday to Friday)
National Domestic Abuse Helpline 0808 2000 247
If you are worried about a child call 0345 045 5203 (Cambridgeshire) or 01733 747474 (Peterborough)
This leaflet below explains domestic abuse using large type and pictures.  It may be suitable for people with learning disabilities, autism or learning difficulties.