
Digital Stalking

Refuge have a site to support people experiencing tech abuse - Information and support on tech abuse | Refuge Tech Safety

Connected devices can be used by abusers in a number of ways.  For more information on this and how to stay safe please see Hidden Home Dangers: Avast and Refuge List the Ten Connected Devices Most Commonly Reported by Women Who Experience Domestic Abuse

The womansaid.org.uk website also gives detailed information and access to resources about Digital Stalking.
The site claims that
"with over 18% of women and 9% of men experiencing stalking since the age of 16 , stalking affects a wide range of people. However, stalking by ex-partners accounts for the largest group of victims and women are most at risk from physical assault and fatal harm."
They identify five types of stalkers:
  1. Intimacy seeker – imagines fantasies about a relationship
  2. Incompetent suitors – seek sexual relationships are unattached males, social ineptness exhibits in odd behaviour.
  3. Rejected – can fluctuate between rejected and resentful and begins with the end of relationship. They initially want to reconcile and then can become resentful often fluctuate between the two. The stalking creates an opportunity for contact and becomes a substitute for the lost relationship
  4. Predator – preamble to a sexual attack – sadist that get gratification from intrusive observation and power
  5. Resentful – passed over for promotion or could be legitimate – discriminated against but feel they have no power or recourse. Desired by motivation for retribution and sustained by the feeling of power and control for once.

Source: Stalkers and their Victims, Mullen Pathe and Purcel