
DASV Champions

The Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Champions Network aims to recruit front line staff from across all partner agencies who will act as 'champions' to share information with colleagues in their service/agency.
DASV Champions Network meetings take place quarterly and the dates and locations can be found below, along with a role description.  Each session is run three times so you only need to attend one.
If you are a Cambridgeshire County Council employee, you can book on sessions via Our Development.  For all other organisations, please follow the instructions in the 'Register for an account' document below.
If you are a new sign-up, please email DASVChampions@cambridgeshire.gov.uk so we can add you to the email distribution list.

2024 dates:

 October -  Child to Parent Abuse  and Supporting Child Victims of Domestic Abuse 

  •  2nd October 2024, 10.00 – 12.00
  • 10th October 2024, 12.00 – 14.00
  • 24th October 2024, 14.00 – 16.00
If you are a CCC employee, you can book on your chosen session via Our Development.
For external attendees (including Peterborough City Council) you will need to register with an account on the external booking system first.  The document below explains how to do this.