White Ribbon – make the promise never to commit, excuse or remain silent about male violence Promise — White Ribbon UK
Home Office Enough Campaign - learn the signs of harassment and abuse and how - and when - to intervene Help stop it | ENOUGH
Free Elearning – find out what domestic abuse is and where you can signpost people for support Cambridgeshire County Council DASV Partnership (cambsdasv.org.uk)
Ask me is a simple initiative that equips women and men in Cambridge with an understanding of domestic abuse and how to respond to survivors. This knowledge will enable the community to play an active role in ending domestic abuse. For more information please visit Ask Me Project (cambridgewa.org.uk)
Alpha Vesta Community Advocate – open to individuals, community groups and businesses. Free training Community Advocate - Alpha Vesta
Stand Up Against Street Harassment – 10 minute training to show how you can safety intervene Take the training - Stand Up (standup-international.com)
Tips from Rape Crisis England & Wales on what do you if you see sexual violence or harassment What to do if you see sexual violence | Rape Crisis England & Wales