The Young People's IDVAs are for those who are suffering domestic abuse from intimate partners or ex partners only .
- young people aged 13 - 19
- young people up to age 24 with a diagnosed mental health issue, learning or physical disability
- ex looked after children up to age 24
The YP IDVAs accept referrals at all risk levels but those scoring under 17 must have victim consent to refer.
The YP IDVA leaflet can be downloaded below.
Please complete online referral at at
Eastern European (A8) IDVA - The A8 IDVAs work with victims from Eastern European A8 countries and speak a variety of languages. The A8 IDVAs accept referrals at all risk levels but those scoring under 17 must have victim consent to refer.
To refer to the A8 IDVA, please complete the electronic referral form via the link below
Minority Ethnic IDVA
The Minority Ethnic IDVA works with victims from Minority Ethnic Communities, specifically those from South Asian Communities. Discretion can be taken on referrals for other minority ethnic groups. The Minority Ethnic IDVA accepts referrals at all risk levels but those scoring under 17 must have victim consent to refer.
To refer to the Minority Ethnic IDVA, please complete the electronic referral form via the link below