If you or someone is in immediate danger you should call 999
If you or someone is in immediate danger you should call 999
Cambridgeshire County Council DASV Partnership

Survivor Support Programmes

There are several programmes aimed at supporting survivors of domestic abuse running in Cambridgeshire - please see below for details and please note the referral routes and criteria for each provider.
The Meadows Child & Family Wing in Cambridge run The Freedom Programme, as well as drop-in sessions and other activities.  Please see the leaflet below.  To make a referral please contact info@mcfw.co.uk or call 07871 780932 
Living Keys run a number of programmes including Freedom Programme (women only), Hope 2 Recovery (separate sessions for men and women) and Domestic Abuse Recovery Toolkit (separate sessions for men and women).  For more information and how to refer, please visit their website Living Keys
Cambridge Women's Resource Centre run a Freedom Programme which is open to all women, whether they are still in an abusive relationship or not.
for information please email info@cwrc.org.uk
Opoka offer an online Freedom Programme for survivors in Polish (Freedom programme 2021 | Opoka) They accept referrals all year round and women can join on a rolling basis.

Own My Life group work (Peterborough Women's Aid)

The Own My Life course is an innovative, creative and educational 12-week course for women.  It can be delivered online or in-person and supports women to regain ownership of their lives when they have subjected to abuse or violence.  This is done through CPD accredited training so practitioners can run the course with women and using short videos, structured discussions, group and individual activities, and a comprehensive learning journal. 

For more details and to join, please visit Peterborough Women's Aid – A brighter future (peterboroughwomensaid.co.uk)

Freedom to be me is a 12 week course we look at the way that abusive men behave and what they believe about the roles of men and women in society. The aim of the course is: To help women who have experienced domestic violence make sense of and understand what has happened to them. To recognise potential future abusers. To help women gain self-esteem and the confidence to improve their lives, instead of the whole experience just feeling like a horrible mess. This is a rolling, women only, programme running for 12 weeks.
Freedom to be me runs at The Edge Cafe in Cambridge.  To self refer please contact gail@theedgecafecambridge.com
Free Spirit Cambs offer a number of support programmes for survivors of abuse and trauma including:
  • Freedom Programme via Zoom
  • Freedom Forever (follow-on from Freedom)
  • Hope to Recovery
  • Domestic Abuse Recovery Toolkit - programmes for adults and children and young people
  • Reconnect - mindfulness workshop

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