If you or someone is in immediate danger you should call 999
If you or someone is in immediate danger you should call 999
Cambridgeshire County Council DASV Partnership

Children and Young People

Supporting children living with domestic abuse - this guidance was commissioned from AVA and is for all practitioners working in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.  The guidance can be downloaded below.
Embrace (Child Victims of Crime) offer CBT and therapeutic counselling for young people who have been victims of, or witnessed domestic abuse or sexual violence and those who may be showing low-level potentially harmful behaviours as a result of what they have been exposed to. It can be delivered at locations across the county through a framework of checked and accredited therapists.  The young person must be aged 6-19 (or up to 24 with special needs) and safe from the offender and willing to engage.
Referrals are only accepted from professionals, you can refer at the website www.embracecvoc.org.uk.
Coercive Control in Children's and Mother's Lives
Dr Emma Katz delivered a great webinar for us on 27th June 2023 - you can watch the recording below
The Children and Young Person's ISVA works with children aged 0-19 (and their families) who are victims of sexual abuse or sexual violence.  Referral can be made via admin@prccg.org.uk
Referral forms can be downloaded at https://www.caprcp.org.uk/
Safe Lives have a resource pack for working with young people around Healthy Relationships.  The information focuses on how to start conversations around healthy intimate or sexual relationships with young people aged 13-21 and includes activities and facilitator notes. The DASV Partnership recommend the resources to any groups working with young people including schools.  What does healthy look like? | Safelives
The PSHE Association have produced discussion guides to support teachers - these can be accessed at the PSHE Association website
The Think U Know website has a section on Healthy Relationships and information around abuse in relationships Relationships (thinkuknow.co.uk)
Kids Out are a registered charity.  In Cambridgeshire they offer two services to children who have been victims or witnesses of domestic abuse:
  • Toy Box Service - delivery of a box of fun and educational toys to children who have escaped domestic violence.
  • Fun Days - Days out for disadvantaged children throughout the year, particularly for children who have experienced domestic violence.
Referrals are only accepted from professionals and can be made via Sandra.Doherty@kidsout.org.uk 

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