Supporting children living with domestic abuse - this guidance was commissioned from AVA and is for all practitioners working in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. The guidance can be downloaded below.
Safe Lives - effective support for children exposed to domestic abuse - Final policy report In plain sight - effective help for children exposed to domestic abuse.pdf (
Embrace (Child Victims of Crime) offer CBT and therapeutic counselling for young people who have been victims of, or witnessed domestic abuse or sexual violence and those who may be showing low-level potentially harmful behaviours as a result of what they have been exposed to. It can be delivered at locations across the county through a framework of checked and accredited therapists. The young person must be aged 6-19 (or up to 24 with special needs) and safe from the offender and willing to engage.
Referrals are only accepted from professionals, you can refer at the website
Coercive Control in Children's and Mother's Lives
Dr Emma Katz delivered a great webinar for us on 27th June 2023 - you can watch the recording below
Female Genital Mutilation - Please visit the website of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Boards for the most up to date guidance around FGM
Information on Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) is available on the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Board website at