If you or someone is in immediate danger you should call 999
If you or someone is in immediate danger you should call 999
Cambridgeshire County Council DASV Partnership

Drugs and Alcohol

Drug or Alcohol use DOES NOT cause domestic abuse

Domestic abuse cannot be blamed on drugs or alcohol consumption. Some perpetrators may have been drinking or taking drugs when they are abusive, but many have not.  Also they are not generally abusing everyone; they are able to control their behaviour so that it is only towards their partners or family members.  Some studies suggest that many perpetrators do not use drugs or alcohol excessively as they wish to remain “in control” at all times.

Drugs and alcohol are mind-altering substances, meaning that when it is consumed it can cause people to do or say things that they maybe would never do or say or amplify negative behaviours that already exist in a person.

If somebody is being abused, they may turn to drugs or alcohol to help them cope.  People who have left abusive partners may also use drugs or alcohol to help them cope with the trauma they experienced.
Abusers can use drugs or alcohol as a way to control victims - especially if the victim is vulnerable due to disability or mental health issues.
Change, Grow, Live offer support to people in Cambridgeshire who are concerned about their drug or alcohol use and they also have support services for family or friends.  You can call GCL on 0300 555 0101 or visit their website at Cambridge - Drug & Alcohol Service Cambridgeshire | Change Grow Live 
If you live in Peterborough, you can call GCL Aspire on 0800 111 4354 or visit their website Aspire Recovery Service - Peterborough | Change Grow Live
The Edge Cafe in Mill Road, Cambridge is a recovery hub for people experiencing drug or alcohol issues or mental health concerns.  The Edge have a full programme of events and support groups such as Writing for Recovery, Tai Chi, 12 Steps groups along with support for family or friends.
The Edge also run a Food Hub for people in need of food, and have a meeting room that can be hired.
The Edge Cafe - Home (theedgecafecambridge.org)
On top of all that, they have an amazing cafe and offer outside catering!
The Edge is open 9am - 3pm Monday to Friday, and 10am to 3pm on Saturdays.
You can pop into The Edge for information and support or visit their website The Edge Cafe - Home (theedgecafecambridge.org)
The leaflet below is about how excessive alcohol can lead to problems in relationships.

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