The Shared Lives Domestic Abuse Project is an innovative partnership between Cambs DASV and Cambridgeshire County Council's Shared Lives. Shared Lives carers welcome people with learning disabilities with care and support needs into their own homes for respite, as an alternative to placement in residential settings, with relationships often lasting many years.
The Shared Lives Domestic Abuse Project is supporting survivors with learning disabilities and autism who have care and support needs to keep safe and recover from domestic abuse. The year one report can be downloaded below.
For referrals and enquiries about becoming a Shared Lives Carer, please email
Learning Disabilities and Autism
The Us Too project was delivered by Arc from 2019-2021 and involved working with women with learning disabilities and autism who had experienced domestic abuse.
Two guidance documents were developed by the project group and quality assured by Cambs DASV - there is a guide for domestic abuse and sexual violence services when working with victims/survivors with LD and Autism and also a guide for social care (which can also be used by Health services)
Both documents can be accessed below
Guidance for professionals working with people with Learning Disabilities who have experienced sexual violence and abuse
LimeCulture created this resource, developed with input from learning disability organisations and ISVA services, to raise awareness of local ISVA Services among disability organisations, and to support disability organisations to strengthen their internal processes to ensure appropriate referrals are made for the individuals they support. The DASV Partnership supported the development of this guidance and support its use across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
Durham University, working alongside autistic people, have created a guide to help autistic people to navigate relationships and recognise the signs of both healthy and unhealthy relationships.
The document can be downloaded in standard and in Easy Read formats from the link below.