When a person is murdered, or takes their own life, in the context of domestic violence or abuse, a Domestic Homicide Review (DHR) is usually carried out. The responsibility for DHR's sits with the relevant district Community Safety Partnership (part of the District Council). The DASV Partnership coordinates the DHR process in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough to ensure quality and consistency.
If you are asked to be part of a DHR Panel, you may be asked to write an Independent Management Review of your agency's involvement with the victim or abuser. The document below offers guidance for professionals who are asked to write an IMR for a Domestic Homicide Review.
DHR's are submitted to the Home Office for approval and the Home Office have guidance on how to carry out a DHR. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/revised-statutory-guidance-for-the-conduct-of-domestic-homicide-reviews
Once approved by the Home Office, DHR's are made available to the public via the relevant Community Safety Partnership website. DHR's are usually anonymized to protect the family of those involved.
Links to recent DHRs in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough can be found below.