Outreach Services work with victims and survivors in the community.
Please contact Domestic Abuse Support Service (DASS) if you live anywhere in Cambridgeshire or Peterborough and would like advice or support. DASS supports victims and survivors of domestic abuse of any gender identity and any sexual orientation.
Telephone 0300 373 1073 (freephone)
email DASSreferrals@impakt.org.uk
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Libraries Safe Spaces
All Cambridgeshire and Peterborough libraries offer access to computers so that people can contact domestic abuse support services without their searches being traced.
The following libraries can provide a private room and telephone to do this:
Cambridgeshire Libraries
- Cambridge Central
- Clay Farm
- Ely
- Huntingdon
- March
- St Ives
- St Neots
- Sawston
- Wisbech
- Ramsey
- Bretton Library
- Peterborough Central Library
- Dogsthorpe Library
- Hampton Library
- Orton Library
- Werrington Library
Survivor support and recovery programmes
There are a number of programmes for survivors running across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, please visit this page on our website Welcome to Cambridgeshire DASV Partnership (cambsdasv.org.uk)
Please note that some programmes accept referrals from professionals only, the referral information is included on the page.