If you or someone is in immediate danger you should call 999
If you or someone is in immediate danger you should call 999
Cambridgeshire County Council DASV Partnership

Schools & Education Settings

The Cambridgeshire PSHE Service support schools across Cambridgeshire with the health and wellbeing of children and young people, including Relationships and Sex Education. 
The Education Safeguarding Team, provide safeguarding training and support to colleagues working in education from early years settings through to post-16 (including academies, independent schools, special schools and training providers).  ‘Domestic Abuse Lead’ and ‘Risk Assessment and Safety Planning’ training are offered alongside a range of other complementary subjects.  You can visit their website at https://www.cambslearntogether.co.uk/pupil-and-family-support/education-child-protection-service
UK Says No More have a free Healthy Relationships Toolkit that is free to download from their website Healthy Relationship Toolkit - UK SAYS NO MORE

This toolkit was written by young people and is designed to be a guide for adults, specifically parents, on how to talk to teenagers about healthy relationships and topics such as sex, consent and abuse.

The aim is to explain how best to approach these types of conversations with young people from a teenager’s perspective.

We have partnered with the Safe Lives Your Best Friend project for the posters below.  They are aimed at young people to raise awareness of the type of things they might hear if they are in an unhealthy relationship.  The posters can be downloaded and printed off n PDF format below.

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