We have moved our booking system for the DASV Champions to Ticket Tailor. All sessions will need to be booked on Ticket Tailor now, including CCC staff.
Our Spring 2025 Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Champions sessions are spread out over April and May due to Easter timings.
 We will be hearing from the Department of Work & Pensions about how they can support and work with people who are experiencing domestic abuse, including safety measures they can implement regarding benefits information.
 Our second topic for these sessions will cover support to unpaid carers who are being subjected to domestic abuse from the person they care for - setting out some of the complexities and also some of the options for support.
 Link to book: https://buytickets.at/cambridgeshirepeterboroughdomesticabusesexualviolencepartnership/1588669
Please select the date you wish to attend and the link should be sent to you.