The IDVA Service accept referrals where there is current domestic abuse, within the last 3 months. Referrals that don't meet that criteria, or that have missing information, may be rejected. For guidance on what makes a good referral, please see the document at the bottom of the page.
The specialist IDVA posts below take all levels of risk, consent for referral is required. A DASH is preferred but not essential:
- Referrals from Health Professionals (Cambs only)
- Referrals from Housing Professionals
- Referrals for young people
- Referrals for eastern European people
- Referrals for people from minority ethnic communities
For anyone else, referrals can be made with CONSENT for those who score 14-16 on the DASH Risk Assessment
For those who score 17+ on the DASH, referrals can be made without consent (although consent is preferred), and the case will go to MARAC. If the DASH score is low but you feel the person is at high risk, please discuss with the Duty IDVA.
For individuals over 60 years of age, the Older Peoples DASH may give a more accurate assessment of risk