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If you or someone is in immediate danger you should call 999
Cambridgeshire County Council DASV Partnership

Perpetrator Issues

The Building Better Relationships Programme is a 30-session group work programme delivered by The Probation Service to help men convicted of domestic abuse understand the attitudes that underpin their abusive behaviour and stop being violent in their relationships.  In addition, Women’s Safety Officers Partner Link Officers give support to women whose partner or ex-partner is on the Building Better Relationships Programme or Safer Relationships Group.
The Family Safeguarding Project works with families where there are issues of domestic abuse, substance misuse or mental health to improve outcomes for vulnerable children and young people by involving multi-disciplinary teams in children’s social care.  For more information please visit Family Safeguarding - Cambridgeshire County Council
Project CARA is an intervention designed to raise awareness of domestic abuse  - as part of a conditional caution offenders are required to complete a pair of CARA interventions within a specific time period. CARA is part educational and part designed to help abusers reflect on their choices. 
There are currently no other perpetrator programmes running in Cambridgeshire.
The Respect Phoneline offers advice to men and women who are using abusive behaviours as well as information for front line workers on working safely with perpetrators.  You can call them on 0808 802 4040 or visit the website
Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Panel
The DA Perpetrator Panel is n partnership led intervention to deter the most prevalent and systemic domestic abusers. Each month, a cohort of perpetrators is identified through police and partner research and subjects are scored using an RFG (Recency, Frequency, Gravity) framework which was developed by Strathclyde Police.
Police and Partners are also able to refer perpetrators through professional judgement, enabling anybody who is identified as posing a risk of harm to be considered for adoption.
Professionals can make a referral to the DA Perpetrator Panel by emailing Vickie.Crompton@cambridgeshire.gov.uk, including the name of the perpetrator and as much information as you have about the concerns.  The case will be discussed first at the DA Perpetrator Monitoring Meeting and, if appropriate, taken forward to the full Perpetrator Panel. 
The case must have been to MARAC but not currently a MAPPA nominal
Full ToR of the panel are below.

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